
Gregory H. Watson

Helsinki, Finland


English, Spanish


Dr. Gregory H. Watson is a professional industrial engineer who has been in the high-tech industry since the 1970s. Held senior management positions at Hewlett-Packard, Compaq Computer, and Xerox during their rapid growth periods. Former advisor/consultant to the Nokia Mobile Phones executive team during their exceptional growth in the mid- to late 1990s. Professional merits: former president and honorary member of the American Society for Quality and the International Academy for Quality. Dr. Watson is the only Westerner to earn the W. Edwards Deming Medal of the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers

Work experience

HP Corporate Manufacturing and Quality Control Department San Diego USA



  • Setting up business systems
  • Manufacturing control
  • Development of performance and quality management systems

Director of Corporate Quality at Compaq Computer


Vice President of Quality at Xerox


  • Helped Xerox create the Business Excellence Model and Managing for Results, two recognized best practices of their time

Working with Hewlett-Packard, Nokia Mobile Phones, ExxonMobil and Toshiba, Ritz-Carlton Hotels, Microsoft


Education, Courses

Taylor University, USA

Bachelor of arts

Armed Forces Industrial College, USA

Master's Degree in Political Economics

University of Southern California, USA

Master of Science Degree in Systems Engineering

University of Antioch. School of Law. USA

Master's Degree in Law

  • 2007

Author of Strategic Benchmarking Reloaded with Six Sigma, John Wiley

  • 2007

Author of Corporate Governance, Quality at the Top, GOAL/QPC

  • 2005

Author of Design for Six Sigma, GOAL/QPC

  • 2004

Author of Six Sigma for Business Leaders, GOAL/QPC

  • 2003

Author of Six Sigma for Business Leaders, GOAL/QPC

  • 1994

Author of Business Systems Engineering, John Wiley

  • 1993

Author of Strategic Benchmarking, John Wiley

  • 1993

Author of A World of Quality – The Timeless Passport, ASQ Quality Press

  • 1993

Author of The Benchmarking Management Guide, Productivity Press

  • 1992

Author of The Benchmarking Workbook, Productivity Press