Open a company in Spain online

Register your company in Spain and open a bank account in a European bank remotely from anywhere worldwide. All you need is internet access.

Order service

By clicking the "Ask a question" button, you consent to processing personal data.

We'll take care of all the details
We'll help you choose a tax system and assemble a complete document package.

Without leaving home
The process is done remotely, including signing and sending documents to the tax authorities.

Everything, and even more
We'll open a company bank account and provide recommendations on business management.

Choose the appropriate form

Limitada (SL)

Limited Liability Company

  • Online or offline registration
  • It is suitable for small and medium-sized businesses
  • Minimum share capital – €3,000


Sole proprietor

  • Online or offline registration
  • It is suitable for freelancers and novice entrepreneurs
  • No minimum share capital is required


Branch of a foreign company

  • Online registration
  • It is suitable for foreign companies
  • No minimum share capital is required


Permanent establishment

  • Online registration
  • It is suitable for foreign companies
  • No minimum share capital is required
  • Possibility to register under a tax regime outside of Spain

Sociedad Cooperativa
(S. Coop.)

Cooperative Society

  • Offline registration
  • Minimum share capital depends on the specific type of cooperative

Anónima (SA)

Public Limited Company

  • Offline registration
  • It is suitable for large businesses
  • Minimum share capital – €60,000

Company registration process


Choosing the type of company


Registering the company name in the Commercial Registry


Registering articles of association in the Commercial Registry


Obtaining the CIF (company tax identification number)


Notifying the tax authorities of the start of economic activity


Obtaining an electronic signature for the company


Opening a bank account for the business


Registering with the Social Security Fund (if necessary)


Obtaining licenses (if required)


Choosing the type of company


Registering the company name in the Commercial Registry


Registering articles of association in the Commercial Registry


Obtaining the CIF (company tax identification number)


Notifying the tax authorities of the start of economic activity


Obtaining an electronic signature for the company


Opening a bank account for the business


Registering with the Social Security Fund (if necessary)


Obtaining licenses (if required)


Choosing the type of company


Registering the company name in the Commercial Registry


Registering articles of association in the Commercial Registry


Obtaining the CIF (company tax identification number)


Notifying the tax authorities of the start of economic activity


Obtaining an electronic signature for the company


Opening a bank account for the business


Registering with the Social Security Fund (if necessary)


Obtaining licenses (if required)

Set up a Sociedad Limitada remotely

Sociedad Limitada is one of the most common types of companies that can be established remotely without visiting Spain.

This is particularly convenient for entrepreneurs and investors who value their time and want to avoid unnecessary trips.

What makes us different?

  • We support you at every stage of opening your company. We resolve issues via email or phone in one conversation without lengthy waits or transfers.
  • We understand the specifics of the region and the real needs of our clients.
  • Our practicing experts possess all necessary European licenses and high qualifications.
  • Quality assured by  ISO 9001 Certification.

What you get as a result

Registered and structured company in Spain Company

Articles of Association and European tax identification number

Spanish bank account

Compare online and offline company registration formats

Online registration companies Offline registration companies
Personal presence Not required Required
Type of company
  • Sociedad Limitada (SL)
  • Autonomo
  • Sociedad Limitada (SL)
  • Sociedad Anónima (SA)
  • Sociedad Cooperativa (S. Coop.)
  • Establecimiento permanente
  • Sucursal
Expedited format (up to 10 working days)

Sociedad Limitada (SL) 1200 € + IVA

Notary and registry services are included in the price

Autonomo 200 € + IVA

Notary and registry services are included in the price

Sociedad Limitada (SL) 1400 € + IVA

Notary and registry services are included in the price
Regular format (from 20 working days)
  • Establecimiento permanente
  • Sucursal
Cost to be specified on the request
  • Sociedad Anónima (SA)
  • Sociedad Cooperativa (S. Coop.)
Cost to be specified on the request

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We will call you back on a weekday between 10:00 and 18:00 hours.

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By clicking the "Submit" button, you consent to processing personal data.

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+34 936 767 213

Contact us and we will register a company in Spain in an accelerated format

Frequently Asked Questions


Is it possible to set up a company remotely?

You can prepare all the documents necessary for the setting up and the appointment of an authorized person who will complete the process but the founders absolutely must turn up personally.


Do I have to get a license?

The first-time entrepreneur needs to get a business permit or a license, if the selected type of business is subject to licensing. Some types of businesses in Spain are subject to mandatory licensing. Which means, the businesses in the kingdom are under strict controls.


Should I register the brand and where else will the registration be valid?

The entrepreneur may register the unique trade name (name of the company) or a trade mark within Spain. If necessary, the entrepreneur may have the scope of the brand extended to other EU states. The trade name or trade mark may differ from the official name of the company.


Can the founder be the manager of the company?

When you submit documents for registration, keep in mind that some forms of business (e.g., Sociedad Limitada or Sociedad Anonima) require that the manager of your company is a local resident. Under the laws of Spain, only Spanish citizens are allowed to hold the position of the managing director. In some cases, the owner of the company (non-resident) may act as a manager, albeit with limited rights.


What form of incorporation should I choose?

There are quite a lot of forms of incorporation to choose from, depending on the type of business you intend to conduct: 1. Limited liability company - Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada (S.R.L. / S.L.). 2. Newly created limited liability company - Sociedad Limitada Nueva Empresa (S.L.N.E.). 3. Unlimited liability company - Sociedad Colectiva. 4. Limited liability partnership - Sociedad Comanditaria. 5. Joint-stock company - Sociedad Anónima (S.A.). 6. Closed joint-stock company - Sociedad Laboral. 7. Joint ownership - Comunidad de Bienes. 8. Partnership - Sociedad Civil (S.C.). 9. Cooperative - Sociedad Cooperativa. 10. Individual entrepreneur - Empresario Individual / Autónomo

Do you still have questions?

By clicking the "Submit your application" button, you consent to processing personal data.