Capital planning

You can be the entrepreneur of the first generation of a business owner or represent the next generation. You can be an entrepreneur or become an investor. Your capital can be diversified or concentrated in one operating business. Your goal is to effectively manage your liquid capital. Our experts will help you set goals for the management and for the growth of capital and show you how it can be passed on to future generations.

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Capital planning

A strategy and a clearly defined goal are important for any business.

Correct structuring of the capital can help maintain its longevity for several generations, reduce the risks and improve the efficiency of asset allocation and management.

For whom:

Investors who want to protect their money and reduce the investment risks

Investors who want to create an investment portfolio, including various types of investments

Investors who want to achieve their long-term investment goals and preserve capital for future generations

What we can help with:

  1. 01

    Get a steady income

  2. 02

    Diversify investments

  3. 03

    Invest in successful projects

  4. 04

    Create an investment portfolio

  5. 05

    Minimise your risks

  6. 06

    Pass the capital on to the next generation

Why us?

Our practicing experts hold all the necessary European licenses

We understand the tasks of our clients on a mental level

An extensive database of interesting investment projects

Extensive experience in creating investment portfolios

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Your benefits:

A finalised investment portfolio

Working investment strategy

List of the most suitable areas for investment

Participation in investment projects with minimum risks

Plan your capital transfer to the next generations

Service provision process:


We consult


We define your tasks


We conclude a contract for the provision of services


We identify suitable areas for investment


Strategy formation


Investment portfolio creation


Strategy implementation

Frequently Asked Questions


What determines the price of the service?

The cost depends on the complexity and on the scope of the project


Which industries are the best to invest in?

Our team will select the most suitable projects for you based on your tasks and expertise.


Who will control my investment project?

At the request of the client, our company can conduct physical control and provide assistance in the operational activities of the project, but the investor shall carry out the strategic management and development.


Can I leave the project whenever I want?

You can leave the project on any stage, based on the market situation and the value of your asset.

Do you still have questions?

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