Monitoring of the court trial

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Legal support and control of the judicial process: we will help to prepare documents, draw up a claim, submit it to the necessary authorities and terms and monitor the course of the court. We work with the criminal, tax, civil and administrative code.

Before the case comes to court, we will do everything possible for the pre-trial settlement of the dispute.

Who will benefit

Individuals and entities going through litigation

People who need to enforce a judgment

Persons who need recognition of a foreign judgment in Europe

What we can help with

  1. 01

    Resolve the conflict in pre-trial proceedings

  2. 02

    Draw up a claim and file it with the authorities

  3. 03

    Prepare documents for court

  4. 04

    To get an expert opinion on the course of the trial

  5. 05

    React to changes in the opponent's strategy

  6. 06

    Recognize and execute a foreign judgment

Why us?

We use the latest European business building trends in our work

We understand the tasks of our clients on a mental level

Our practicing experts hold all the necessary European licenses

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Your benefits

Evaluating the effectiveness of attorneys

Litigation management

Cost and time savings

Transparency of the judicial process

Recognition of a foreign judgment

Procedure of service rendering


Consultation and identifying the problem


Signing the contract


Preparation of package of documents for filing a lawsuit


Filing of documents


Control of the judicial process


Obtaining a court decision


The cost of this service depends on the specific case and shall be estimated individually *

  • 0 €

Frequently Asked Questions


How long does the process take?

Each court determines its own calendar and schedules the consideration of cases for a certain period, therefore, after filing a lawsuit, only the court will be able to determine its date and the average duration of the process. The duration of the process also depends on where the court is located, whether it is a large city (Barcelona, Girona, Madrid, Valencia ...) or a provincial town


Where should a claim be filed?

For a criminal proceeding, the complaint shall be filed in the judicial circuit where the criminal deed allegedly has been committed; for a civil lawsuit, as a rule, the competent court will be the court at the place of residence of the defendant.


What is a judicial circuit?

It is a territorial unit comprising of one or several municipalities.

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